The Perfect Sunny Day Snack

Recently it’s gotten pretty hot here in California (It’s winter I know) . So I was thinking of snacks to make that are are perfect for cold days. A few weeks ago I saw some pictures of people making these frozen yogurt dipped strawberries and they looked sooo good! I decided that I would give them a go and share how they came out. So I tried them out a few days ago. They. Are. So. Good. They are perfect for an everyday snack and if you pick the right strawberries, they are super sweet! Since there were my first batch they came out a little lopsided and don’t look perfectly round but trust me these taste amazing. They are great to just leave in the freezer for a quick snack.  Also I thought to try out these frozen yogurt drops that are made with strawberry fruit yogurt and they are so cute and yummy.

Frozen Yogurt Dipped Strawberries


2 vanilla Greek yogurt cups

(or just add vanilla extract and honey to plain yogurt)

One package of fresh strawberries


Wash and remove the stems from the strawberries

strawberries and yogurt

With a spoon dip the strawberries into the yogurt and place them on parchment paper

Then just leave in the freezer for a few hours or overnight

yogurt strawberries

Frozen Fruit Yogurt Drops


2 strawberry fruit yogurts


  1. Empty the fruit yogurt into a Ziploc bag and close it up
  2. Then, cover a tray with parchment paper.
  3. Cut a small hole on the bottom corner of the bag and pipe little drops onto the tray

yogurt drpos

  1. Place these in the freezer for an hour or more and enjoy!

yogurt drops

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